Akasaka Hikawa Jinja, a Shinto shrine located in the Akasaka district, is the place of worship which enshrines the spiritual guardian of this district. It is an 8-minute walk from either Akasaka Station, Roppongi Station, or Roppongi-icchome Station of the subway lines. For details about this shrine, see the article on Akasaka Hikawa Shrine.
Akasaka Hikawa Matsuri
The Akasaka Hikawa Matsuri (赤坂氷川祭), held in mid-August, is another name for the Reitaisai (Annual Grand Festival) of this shrine. Every year, there're joint processions of dashi floats and some mikoshi (portable shrines) for consecutive three weekend days. That is, on Friday evening there is the eve-before-the-festival parade, on Saturday there is the children's mikoshi parade, and on Sunday the main parade is held.
Some stalls are set up, though not many. There will be bon-odori dance party on each three days.
Main procession
On each of the days from Friday to Sunday, there will be a parade consisting of some mikoshi and dashi floats, but the largest one will be held on Sunday afternoon. It leaves the shrine on a little before noon and gets back to the shrine a few hours later.