
Rokugo ShrineRokugo Jinja is a Shinto shrine located in the southernmost tip of Tokyo which is close to Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture and is an 8-minute walk from Keikyu Line Rokugo-dote Station. For details about this site, seethe article on Rokugo Shrine.
The Reitaisai of Rokugo Jinja is held in early June.

Reitaisai at Rokugo Jinja

The Reitaisai, or the annual grand festival, of Rokugo Jinja is held in early June every year. Generally speaking, at the Reitaisai, many Shinto shrine practice mikoshi processions, but at here, it not only holds mikoshi processions but also shishimai (lion dance) procession by kids.

Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai

The shrine grounds will be filled with stalls.

Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai

Sato-kagura dance will be performed on Saturday and Sunday.

Procession of shrine-owned mikoshi

On Sunday, there will be a procession of shrine-owned mikoshi almost every year. All day long, the mikoshi parade through the area the shrine deities proctect. Usually, the second largest Ni-no-mikoshi is used for the procession, but every five years, the largest Ichi-no-mikoshi is used. Note that on the year before the Ichi-no-mikoshi is used, there will be no procession of shrine-owned mikoshi at all.

Procession of shrine-owned mikoshi
Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai
Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai
Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai

kami-jishi at shrine precincts

On Saturday and Sunday, there will also be shishimai (lion dance) performed by children every year. It's called Kami-jishi at this shrine.

kami-jishi at the shrine
Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai
Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai

Kami-jishi procession

On Sunday, there will be a procession of Kami-jishi annually except for the year the Ichi-no-mikoshi conducts a procession (see above). This procession takes a different route from the procession of shrine-owned mikoshi.

Procession of kami-jishi
Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai
Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai
Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai
Kami-jishi dance
Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai

Kami-jishi dance is performed at several points

Shrine visiting of community-owned mikoshi

About 40 community-owned mikoshi is filled with the spirit of shrine divinities at the shrine on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, each of them conducts procession around its community. On Sunday, they also visit the Rokugo Shrine to return the sprit loaded on the mikoshi.

Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai
Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai
Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai
Rokugo Jinja Reitaisai
Rokugo Shrine
3-10-18 Higashi-rokugo, Ota-ku, Tokyo MAP
Access: 8-min walk from Keikyu Line Rokugo-dote Station
Area guide around this siteArticle on Rokugo Shrine